Green Lanes in the Lake District 6th June 2021
Letters sent by the Chairman to Richard Leafe, and The Westmorland Gazette re The use of 4x4 vehicles on Green Lanes in the Lake District. 6th June 2021 FAO RICHARD LEAFE Dear Sir, Please see the attached copy of a letter I have submitted to the Westmorland Gazette regarding the excessive use of these vehicles in the National Park. I am requesting on behalf of our cycling club that you curb the use by imposing a Traffic Regulation Order through your Rights of Way Committee and I am also requesting a place on your committee on behalf of the Kendal and District Cycle Scene cycling club. With over 100 members many of whom walk and Cycle on the affected lanes I have been mandated to make representation to your authority to try and change this situation for both current and future generations. Notwithstanding you are asking people to comment on the future direction of the park action on this matter , this can only contribute to your purpose and aims for now and the future...