KDCS AGM February 2025




Committee: Anne Brookes, Tim Goffe, Brian Woodward, Martin Slader, David Wills, Will Beck

There were about 20 members present in addition to the committee.

Apologies: Edward and Romola Acland, Mark Bazeley, Liz Otway, Peter Horne, Angela and Tony Brand-Baker, Catriona Webster, Kath Hunt


  1. Financial Summary
  2. MTB rides
  3. Away Trips
  4. Road rides – joint leaders
  5. Easy Tuesday
  6. Social events
  7. Web site
  8. AOB

The meeting started at 7:30pm. Anne Brookes (Chair), opened the meeting and welcomed everyone and gave a summary of how the meeting was going to proceed, with reports from committee members and AOB at the end.

1)    Finance Summary – Martin Slader

Martin provided an up-to-date report of the club’s financial situation.

Martin has the reports for the last six years, and will email them to the committee.

Our only expenses as a club are the club affiliation to Cycling UK (which provides insurance for ride leaders) and the cost of the domain name used for the website. We need about £120 per year to finance these and we currently have a balance of £256.69.

It was agreed that now would be a good time to raise some funds via voluntary donations by asking members to contribute £5-£10.  When this was previously done in February 2019, members raised over £500.

The signatories for the bank account are going to be changed to Martin Slader, Neil Hazlehurst and Anne Brookes (replacing Steve Warner). Two signatures are required to pay money out of the account.

Martin suggested that from now on it would be easier to draw up accounts as at the year end, rather than the financial year end, so that we will have up to date figures, if AGMs are to be held in February. The motion was seconded and approved.

Action points:

  • Committee to send email to members with bank account details so that donations can be made to the club.
  • Committee to put accounts on website for all to see.


2)    MTB rides – Will Beck

Will co-ordinates the rides for the MTB section together with leaders and there are 78 members on the email distribution list for MTB.

There has been a ride every Thursday in 2024 except on 3 occasions due to bad weather.

There were 15 rides in the central lakes, 12 in the Yorkshire Dales, rides in Lancaster, Furness and South Lakes.

There were a couple of café bombs to meet up with road riders at Esthwaite and Kitridding.

The MTB group have a few ride leaders, but asked if more ride leaders would come forward to lead rides for 2025.

The MTB group were also present at the away trips in the Isle of Man, Coquetdale Valley, Loch Ness Shores and Rosedale.

Actions points: Ride leaders to suggest more rides and let Will know.


3)    Away Trips – Tim Goffe

Tim arranged a meeting at Wilfs to discuss Away Trips for 2025. There were both road and MTB riders present.

Trips planned:

March – Coquetdale – Clennal Hall – Brian Woodward

April – Isle of Man – Phil Morgan

May – Dumfries and Galloway – Tim Goffe/ Phil Morgan

June – Rosedale – Martin Samman

September – Mid Wales – Andy Gillham

Tim had produced a pdf document with details of proposed trips for 2025 and had printed a few for members to take.  The PDF will be circulated to all members via email.  Details are also being added to the KDCS Calendar

Action points: Interested members to look at list of Away trips and book onto them.


4)    Road Rides – Anne Brookes

Anne had given a summary of road rides for 2024 at the Christmas Party last December.

Road rides for 2025 had not had a good start this year due to bad weather, storms and ice etc. There is a ride scheduled for this Sunday, being led by Bill Jackson from Haverthwaite. In the coming weeks, Anne is also planning to put on her postponed Morecambe ride and the ‘Café of the Year’ award ride to the White Hare Café in Kirkby Stephen – see calendar for details.

Currently not many people are coming forward to lead rides. Anne raised the suggestion by Jan Goodey, to have a joint leader’s system. This might encourage new leaders to come forward to lead rides. An email is to be devised to explain how this system would work.

In the mean time contact Anne if you would like to lead a ride.

Action points: Anne to send an email explaining joint leadership system and asking for potential leaders.


5)    Easy Tuesdays – Dave Wills

Easy Tuesday rides were raised as a discussion point.

When the last Easy Tuesday finished 10/9/2024 for winter, there was a desire from Easy Tuesday riders to carry on into the winter for a social get together. The “Easier Tuesday” was tried out initially in Wetherspoons to discuss options. After a good turn out it was agreed that we meet in different pubs every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month, with an optional ride if you wanted at 6pm, then meet in the designated pub at 7pm.

So far there have been 9 Easier Tuesdays with good turnouts of between 8 and 16 people each time.

Pubs visited: Wetherspoons, Ring o Bells, Fell Bar, Tap, Shakespeare, New Union, Cortillo Lounge, Wine Bar.

During these sessions the format of the Easy Tuesday Rides has been raised with an interest in developing new rides/routes. This could be planned by an Easy Tuesday committee and a new schedule for 2025 produced. It is proposed that a sub-committee of Easy Tuesday riders meets to discuss new rides at the next Easier Tuesday meeting in March.

Action points:  Easy Tuesday sub-committee to be formed and to organise 2025 Easy Tuesday rides


6)    Socials – Dave Wills

In the past we have aimed to put on 4 social events a year. In 2024, the socials were:

1)      Presentation of café award 14th April 2024 at Esthwaite. (This was really a café bomb but had a good turnout from the whole club)

2)      Sprint Mill Jacobs Join 28th September 2024

3)      Introduction of Easier Tuesdays

4)      KDCS Christmas Party 10th December 2024 – Station Inn

Dave invited volunteers to go onto a social committee, so that more events could take place with some new ideas.

Action points:  Committee to ask members again for volunteers to form a sub-committee for social events


7)    Website – Dave Wills

The website is maintained free of charge. The only cost is the domain name £28.78 for 2 years. Other than that, we use Google Blogger as a website.

Anne and Dave have made a few changes to the site to simplify the content and structure, but we are open to any suggestions going forward. The main use of the site is to advertise the rides that are scheduled, and for any news.

No personal data is held on the site, e.g. email addresses, names, contact numbers, unless they have been added specifically for ride information contact details.

Action points:  Members to review content on website and send any suggestions to committee


8)    Any Other Business

The issue of insurance for ride leaders was raised and the fact that to be covered by insurance the leaders should have details of all riders attending a ride, along with their emergency contact details.

Currently this is done by the MTB section but not by the Road section. It was suggested that we use the same system as Will Beck, the riders let him know they are attending before the ride and he supplies the leader with their details. This does mean that someone has to do this for every ride and it is time consuming.

Alternative suggestions were that members carry cards with emergency details on. A potential problem with this was that these might be forgotten by the rider on the day. Another suggestion was that rider’s emergency details could be attached to the cycling helmet.  Jo Macdonald suggested investigating this option.  The solution was left unresolved and awaits future discussion.

There was also some discussion that some riders were apparently not members of KDCS for whatever reason. Although there is no joining fee, there is a form to fill in to join the club. It was proposed that any rider should be asked to join the club after a maximum of two guest rides, if they wished to continue on KDCS rides.

It was identified that new members wanting access to the Facebook sites were not always given it as the administrators of these sites did not know who the new members were. The process needs to be investigated and updated so that the admins are made aware of new members.

Graham Clarke asked if anyone was interested in ‘Cycling Without Age’ where you can volunteer to captain a Rickshaw to enable elderly people to go on a ride. Anyone interested can contact Jo Horton at the Eddington Centre who is interested in creating a Chapter in this area, or view the Cycling without age website: cyclingwithoutage.org for more information.

Dave Wills asked if anyone was interested in giving a talk to the club on one of their ride experiences, which could be done possibly at the Eddington Centre as a social event and possibly to raise funds for the KDCS. E.g. Coast to coast trip, Way of the Roses Trip.

Action points:

  • Committee to look into the issue of insurance for ride leaders and how to collect emergency information from riders.
  • All members to be aware of membership requirement and to encourage ‘guest’ riders (in MTB or road groups) to join KDCS.
  • Anne to ensure that Facebook administrators are informed when new members join
  • Interested members to look at the cyclingwithoutage.org web site.
  • Committee to investigate the use of the Eddington Centre for group talks.

The meeting closed just before 9pm. The date of the next committee meeting: Tuesday 22nd April 2025, 7pm


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