Minutes of the KDCS Committee meeting held 20/1/20


Minutes of the KDCS Committee meeting held 20/1/20

Attendees - Steve Warner, Anne Brookes, Martin Slader, Brian Woodward, Dave Wills, Bill Jackson

Apologies - Mike Pezet, Neil Hazlehurst

As Chairman Steve welcomed all to the meeting and advised that Mike Pezet had another engagement and Neil is away on holiday.

1. Finance Report / income generation

Martin advised that we currently have £751.52p in our Skipton Account. Last years voluntary donation exercise resulted in £552.02p being raised through our members. Our only forecast expenditure is £80 for our ride leaders insurance via Cycling UK and around £15 for our website costs. It was agreed that we will not need to raise any additional funds for quite some time and that any charges for room hire should we need them for talks, members meetings etc. could be met from our funds. Note - This account can be accessed at Branch level only and requires any 2 of our 3 named signatories for withdrawals. We agreed that Martin should circulate the summary of the end of financial account to all committee members.

2. Membership update

Anne advised that we have around 114 members of KDCS with 14 new members joining in 2019 as compared with 10 during 2018. However these members now include the 41 in the Mountain Bike group. All agreed that we are a unique club that appeals to people not wanting to join the more competing type club such as KCC etc. and this can make it more difficult attracting new members.

A discussion took place on options / ideas for attracting new members. This included the following:-

Publicity / posters in public venues and bike shops e.g Library, Leisure Centre, Giant etc.

Business cards with our details to hand out to interested parties
A press article ( Steve has a contact in the Gazette )

A Cumbria Radio interview 21/1/20 where Steve hoped to be able to publicise our club and request for members (Steve was subsequently interviewed on the James Philips show on radio Cumbria for a new slot which aims to interview a variety of clubs across the county and KDCS was the first one )

Advertise our club through other groups / clubs e.g. SLACC as we have a ‘ green footprint ‘ that may appeal to their members.

3. Update on rides calendars including road, MTB, Easy Tuesdays

Once again we had a successful 2019 with 46 weekend rides scheduled, a full programme of MTB and Easy Tuesday rides. Poor weather was the chief reason for the few cancellations we had. After discussion we agreed that there is probably a call for some easier rides and these was borne out on the Staveley ride put on the previous weekend when 16 riders turned out on a cold sunny day. The fact that it left people with a free afternoon if they desired seemed to be attractive.

It was proposed that we put a mixture of longer and shorter rides on this year and measure the impact of success or otherwise. We will also seek opinion from the membership ( again ) to capture any thoughts / views they may have. We will try to do this at the start of our proposed talks / social events during the year. In the past we had a business element included in such events that provided a communication process for both members and the committee and we agreed we should reinstate this where we can.

4. Social activities / slide shows for the year

It was agreed that we should aim for 4 quarterly social events again this year plus the Christmas social but that we should also seek to introduce talks / slide shows appealing to members who would like to share their experiences. A suitable venue at nil / low cost to be sought for these. Members to be asked if they are happy to put on such talks as anecdotally we know we have people who have been on some great trips. Edward and Romola have agreed to the sprint mill barbecue being an annual event and this year Dave Wills will put on a treasure hunt ride that ends up at the mill to accompany this event.

Dave suggested that we form a social activities sub committee and we agreed to seek nominations from the members to form such a group. This should then provide an opportunity for the wider capture of ideas.

5. Planned trips

The MTB Group have once again already met to plan a range of multi day trips and dates for these will be firmed up ASAP. These trips will offer very limited options for road bikers to join them given the venues and logistics. We therefore debated whether similar trips might be arranged by road rider members. Whilst this won’t be for the committee to organise we agreed to facilitate this by putting out an e- mail to the membership advising that they are welcome to organise such events for inclusion in the calendar. We have however tried this in the past with little take up.

6. Website update, any changes, security, web authors

The committee agreed that the website was very informative, attractive in layout and fairly easy to navigate. Dave Wills has recently had feedback from a newer member who praised it. We agreed that it needed some minor housekeeping to remove any out of date posts and that a time limit of around a month would be put on the ‘for sale’ items with an option to renew. It was also suggested that we put on details of the ‘cafe of the year’ award including the presentation photo and recently constructed certificate.

The issue of ride reports was raised and we agreed that these were useful as they provided members with a summary of particular rides / trips. We already have 2 Facebook sites which include details, photos etc. but as not every member is on FB we thought some of the detail could easily be transferred over to the website for inclusion under the ride report header. Ride leaders will be encouraged to give such reports but it is purely voluntary.

Dave advised that on the website we now have a comprehensive list of rides routes with narrative and maps originally put together by Mark Bazeley and suggested we might do something similar for MTB rides. To be explored.

7. Any other business

We summarised who does what on the committee and whether any others should be on. The current posts are:-

Chairman - Steve Warner

Rides co-ordinator / newsletter - Anne Brookes

Treasurer - Martin Slader

Social Secretary - Dave Wills

MTB subgroup co-ordinators and membership - Bill Jackson / Steve Warner Road section membership co-ordinators – Mike Pezet, Anne Brookes

Web access and assistants - Dave Wills, Anne Brookes, Brian Woodward, Neil Hazlehurst, Andy Gillham.

We agreed that Simon Rose should be invited onto the committee should he wish given his significant ‘ Easy Tuesday ‘ rides role.

There being no other business Steve thanked all of the committee for their hard work and assistance and the meeting was brought to a close.

Steve Warner

Chairman of KDCS

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